What happens to ideas with status Business Case?

Posted on November 3, 2010


At Projectplace Ideas we collect all sorts of feedback from our users. Most of it is suggestions for improvement to the service. This is absolutely invaluable to us.

I do a rough status selection for your ideas based on how much development is required and how much it would impact the current system. If it is minor it can be sorted under the Quality Backlog but if it is more complex it needs to be prioritised against other “new” development.

To get new development prioritised we first need to write a Business Case. In doing this, I usually involve other people in the company especially from sales, development to hear their viewpoint.

Business Cases are presented to the Product Council which prioritises and makes suggestions for product development in the next 3-12 months. Important points for consideration are things like:
How much Projectplace Way is this?
What type of projects would benefit from this?
What type of users would benefit from this?

The Product Council acts as advisories to the Product Owner and together we decide on the recommended development for the next 12 months (roughly). It comprises of people from all departments in Projectplace and I sit in it as a representative of our user community with the experience and the feedback that we hear from you via our phone and email support, through Projectplace Ideas and Answers through twitter, facebook, comments here at the blog, and other channels. Here’s a little report from the last Product Council meeting, it was not a big event, but I will do more of these video summaries of meetings in the future. Please let me know how you like the format:

Usually the most interesting Business Cases will be advanced to a pre-study. The result of the pre-study will decide whether development should go ahead or not.

Posted in: Community News