Release Night 9th November 2010

Posted on November 9, 2010


10th November 2010. Just a short edit to say that the release was successful last night. Access Rights Overview, Improvments to Conversations and Easier to Get Started as a new user have been implemented in Projectplace.

9th November 2010. Wow, there’s that energy in the air again at Projectplace. The latest release is ready on the startline, lines of code eagerly tossing their heads and stomping their feet, waiting to be tested in the real world, with you. Today I’m writing from the tranquility of a cottage in the country. Although tranquility might be the wrong word as there’s a blizzard going on outside. I will update this blog post with more information as and if there is more to come.

So what are we releasing tonight, fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong in the process?

Access Rights Overview

Access rights is an area that easily becomes complex especially if you have a lot of groups and folders in your project. We often get support queries about this and we want to make it easier for you to know exactly who in your project has access to exactly what. Therefore we introduce a new report for administrators: Access Rights. The report is generated straight from the Documents tab via the button Export Access Rights on the toolbar. Clicking the button generates an excel report of the access rights for documents in the project per group and per user.

This is what the excel report can look like

Overview of the Access Rights in a Project in Projectplace

And a film about Access Rights in Projectplace:

We have also made it possible to change which group a member belongs to by clicking on their name and adding them or removing them from groups via the Groups and Access Rights tab.

In this development we have been in contact with some of the users who have engaged in ideas like,

Some of you who have been engaging in these ideas at Projectplace Ideas have also been involved in the design process. Thanks so much for your time and wonderful input!

Improvements in Conversations

We have also made improvments to the coversations on the Project Overview:

  • It is now possible to @reference a group as well as individual members. You can see how the @referencing works in this film
  • The attach file process will now be clearer so that it is obvious when a file is attached or not
  • If you get automatically logged out while in the middle of writing a post on the wall, the text will remain when you log back in.

Making it Even Easier

We are continuing the process to help your members and you get started in Projectplace. We have added some wizards to help new members navigate Projectplace and add their picture which can be an existing picture in Projectplace, a picture from their hard drive, a Gravatar picture or one of our pre-designed avatars.

What’s in the pipe?

Next development sprint we will start working on the user experience for Mac. There are plans on an app which will allow both PC and Mac users to sync files with Projectplace, we will start development on that next week and we will also focus on some of the known issues for Mac users like the calendar and Safari related bugs.

When does this happen?

The release process was successful and we released what we had planned. It is now all available in the system.

As always we are hapy to receive feedback on Projectplace Ideas.