Release Night 14th December 2010

Posted on December 14, 2010


Yes! It’s release time again. Tonight we are planning to release a number of improvements to the Projectplace service.

Improved User Experience on Mac

We have focused a lot of the work in this development sprint on developing a plug-in for document management on Mac. The plan was to have a public beta ready for release today but unfortunately we are not quite there yet. The work is ongoing and we hope to have a version for you to try on the 1st of February 2011.

What we have done is try to fix as many bugs as possible in Safari to make the native Mac browser a better option for Projectplace. Some examples:

Time Reporting is now working in Safari

You can add members to projects in Safari

You can edit Tollgates

Special characters in file names will be compressed and retrieved properly

Hopefully this will make the user experience nicer for new and existing Mac users. If you do encounter problems, please let us know either on Projectplace Ideas or email support on

This idea will get status implemented:

Add LinkedIn Profile

You can now add a link to your LinkedIn profile straight from Projectplace. The link will show up when another member clicks on your name in Projectplace and you add it in My Preferences under Personal Details.

This idea will now get status implemented:

Smarter Error Messages

Nobody likes when things go wrong but when it does we like to know why. Until now we’ve had a very generic error message.

Old error message

You will not see this again. It will be replaced by some more informative messages that will help you pinpoint why and where the problem lies.

Improvements to Access Rights

It is now possible to invite a member to several groups at once.

The system group that contains all members who haven’t been manually assigned to a group or are administrators used to be called “other members”. We have changed this to the more descriptive name “members not in a group”. Hopefully this should make it easier to understand who belongs in this group…basically anyone who is not in another group and not an administrator. This group becomes important only when you start setting up access rights.