Managing People Using Values – part 1

Posted on February 23, 2011


I’m going to start the series about Value Based Management. This is the kind of management that we have in Projectplace and I believe that this is one of the key factors in making the company a great place to work.

The general idea, the way I understand it and please correct me if you understand differently, is to create a framework of values in a company or group that everyone should live by. As long as you are inside this framework and working towards the same goal you have pretty much free reign to perform your tasks.

Here are some of the key concepts taken from the web site of “Svenskt Ledarskap” – dedicated to Leadership and Management Development Training.

  • Identification of the values that shall pervade the company.
  • Training managers who will ensure that the company’s common values will grow from within and from the bottom of the organisation.
  • Establishment and clarification of the values in the organisation.
  • Development of a leadership style characterised by the company’s common values.
  • Development of group leaders with the behaviour and attitude that reflect the company’s common values in practice.
  • Understanding of the way in which you as manager inspire people and are an example in concrete actions.
  • Creation of participation, commitment and job satisfaction through common values shared by all employees.
  • Development of the value basis as a clear signpost for a more effective and successful organisation.


Personally, I think this type of management rocks. It also makes communication easier and clearer on all levels of the organisation. It is important in every type of team, project teams, families, office to understand what we do and how we cooperate.

In future posts I will interview our CEO Pelle Hjortblad about why Projectplace chose this type of management and how it differs to be a leader in an organisation that has adopted Value Based Management. I will also give some concrete examples of how the type of leadership we have influences our everyday work.